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Mitch Turnure (Mitch Alan)

Joined 15 years ago from South Jersey

  • 58
  • 106
  • 19
  • The First Crusades: A Short Historical Perspective

    The First Crusades: A Short Historical Perspective

    11 years ago

    A brief history of the First Christian Crusade covering its historical context including the reasons and logistics of its implementation.

  • Creative Marketing with Your Business Card : A Humorous Collection of Ideas

    Creative Marketing with Your Business Card : A Humorous Collection of Ideas

    10 years ago

    A creative look at some less than traditional marketing tactics using your business card. They are meant as much for fun as business. OK, maybe more for fun, but possibly for business.

  • Sports:The Sports Challenged Perspective

    Sports:The Sports Challenged Perspective

    10 years ago

    Sports Fans come in various forms...and then there is the Sports Challenged Individual. Explore the differences with dignified commentary...uh...I mean sarcasm and humor.

  • 0

    Creating a Batman Bedroom Makeover

    10 years ago

    Showing how you can create a Batman themed bedroom for your Dark Knight fan. Simple ways to make Gotham and Batman come alive in a themed bedroom.

  • Rights of the People: What they are NOT

    Rights of the People: What they are NOT

    11 years ago

    This article will explore the misconceptions of what Rights are and, as importantly, what they are not. A misunderstanding of Rights actually leads to a reduction of personal liberty and freedom.

  • 18

    Cremation: One Man's Urn Alternatives

    12 years ago

    Creamation is a choice for us when we pass...but, why limit ourselves to an eternity in an urn. Here are some creative alternatives to sitting in an urn. Let's not make dying boring.

  • Grocery Savings: The Basics

    Grocery Savings: The Basics

    10 years ago

    A basic primer on saving money on your grocery shopping using some easy to impliment steps. None of these ideas are difficult and you can start saving today.

  • Time Travel: One Man's Paradox

    Time Travel: One Man's Paradox

    10 years ago

    A time travel sci-fi short story in the tradition of those from the 50's & 60's with a splash of the Twilight Zone mixed in for good measure. The story also includes some "easter eggs" for the sci-fi fan as well.

  • The 2nd Amendment : Keeping Liberty

    The 2nd Amendment : Keeping Liberty

    11 years ago

    The Second Amendment is contunually under attack. The Hub article explains why the arguments are invalid. Liberty and Freedom are only as strong as those who defend it. Defend the Constitution.

  • Crazy Creative Colorful Cookies

    Crazy Creative Colorful Cookies

    10 years ago

    These Crazy Creative Colorful Cookie are a fun and easy way to keep yours children occupied on a weekend afternoon...or to use a way to make Chistmas or other holiday gifts for friends, family, treachers etc. Get creative and share your designs.

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    Organizing Board Games for More Shelf Space

    12 years ago

    A quick, easy and inexpensive way to free up much needed shelf space by "re-boxing" board games into these small stackable "game" boxes. Take Monopoly, Sorry, Apples to Apples and many more games and cut their collective footprint to about 1/4 of their original space. A simple DIY idea that only...

  • President Obama : Gas Prices, the Economy and His Own Words

    President Obama : Gas Prices, the Economy and His Own Words

    11 years ago

    This article will compare what canidate Obama said in 2008 in relation to the price of gas at the pump and where we are today. It will examine his own words and assumptions, the facts and figures as they were then and as they are now. Enter with an open mind to understand the facts and without (one...

  • 5

    TV Show Themes Songs that are Like Television Karaoke

    3 years ago

    Just a few (or 12) of TV's more memorable theme songs that we all sing along to whether we ever liked the shows or not. They have become a part of our collective culture and are forever stuck in our heads. Enjoy the theme songs and the little write up on each show's premise and history.

  • Epic Movie Themes: 16 Cinematic Soundtracks From My Youth

    Epic Movie Themes: 16 Cinematic Soundtracks From My Youth

    2 years ago

    16 classic movie scores that bring back memories of our youth and make us remember the first time we saw these films. Cinematic scores that are more then mere songs, but rather epic musical movements. Grab some popcorn and enjoy!

  • Giving Back by Paying it Forward

    Giving Back by Paying it Forward

    10 years ago

    Giving back, paying it Forward...Find simple Ways to Make Someone's Life Easier or at least Make Them Smile. These are Some Ideas You can Try or Come up with Your Own.

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    Coupons : The Basic Starter Plan for Beginners

    10 years ago

    Simple steps to get started with savings. Coupon organization, accumulation and increasing savings. Save on most items you shop for and also find a way to give back to others.

  • Retail Sales : Beyond Tradition Discounts

    Retail Sales : Beyond Tradition Discounts

    10 years ago

    This article will show business owners and marketing personnel how to increase sales in their retail establishment, whether a physical store or an e-commerce site.

  • Flavor-Full Chicken Escarole Soup

    Flavor-Full Chicken Escarole Soup

    12 years ago

    This full flavored chicken escarole soup can be used as a opening or main dish for your family, friends and gatherings. Tender chicken and fresh flavorful vegatables and a savory broth will fill your stomach and delight your taste buds.

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    Savory Sausage Stuffed Baby Portabello Mushrooms

    12 years ago

    A delicious, savory appetizer, main course or snack. This recipe for sausage stuffed portabello mushrooms is easy to make and will be a big hit with friends, family and guests at any party or other gathering...or just to share for a special evening with your spouse or lover.

  • Ending the Same Sex Marriage Debate

    Ending the Same Sex Marriage Debate

    10 years ago

    Discussing whether same sex or traditional marriage, an issue is the government should be involved in at all. The laws concerning marriage make marriage illegal for everyone without State approval.

  • Unique Marriage Proposals on a Shoestring Budget

    Unique Marriage Proposals on a Shoestring Budget

    12 years ago

    Some creative ways to propose marriage to the woman of your dreams and make it a memorable moment without spending a lot of money. Make her remember that special day as much as the wdding itself.

  • Fun & Free Travel Games for Kids (and adults)

    Fun & Free Travel Games for Kids (and adults)

    10 years ago

    This article will give you some easy and free ideas to keep your kids occupied while traveling in the car. The whole family can play during shopping trips or on vacation. Enjoy the time spent driving more.

  • Prometheus in an Alien Universe

    Prometheus in an Alien Universe

    10 years ago

    The Prometheus film is a visual feast with an interesting, if not slightly confusing, plot. It has been said that it messes with the continuity of the Ridley Scott Alien universe. I think I have found a way to incorporate the Prometheus story line into the Alien and Predator continuity.

  • Confused? Thought So

    Confused? Thought So

    11 years ago

    Just a little oxymoron(ic) fun with words. A poem with a deep and meaningful message this is not, but I hope it makes you think and smile at the fun of language.

  • Wicked Stranger

    Wicked Stranger

    12 years ago

    A poem exploring, among other things, the empty allure of additction as a means to be free...all the while the person is cast into chemical slavery. Thr personification of addiction and a warning against "his" offers of escape.

  • The Right to Discriminate in the Private Sector

    The Right to Discriminate in the Private Sector

    12 years ago

    This article is not about racism, as I find it personally repugnant.It is about the rights of individual business owners to decide who they hire, fire and serve in their private businesses. Private capital and sweat equity are the deciding factors on these business practices. Ownership of private...

  • You Can't Wait

    You Can't Wait

    12 years ago

    You can't save time in a bottle, No matter what that song may say. It's time to start living Carpe Diem. It's time for you to sieze the day. You can't just watch the boats sail by, While you but wait upon the shore. When opportunity begins to...

  • Too Few

    Too Few

    12 years ago

    A poem inspired by a friend's loss. The loss of a child taken too soon by the monster of childhood cancer. Dedicated to any and all who have known the terrible loss of a child.

  • Not My Everyday?

    Not My Everyday?

    11 years ago

    I want to stand on the mountain, Looking far and wide. Feels like I'm stuck in the valley With an emptiness inside. I want to see every rainbow Span across the sky. All I see is the falling rain, Like a teardrop in my eye. I...

  • Imprisoned by My Own Mind

    Imprisoned by My Own Mind

    11 years ago

    A poem about how we often create and are hindered by "walls" of our own making. The mind is powerful and can be either friend or foe depending on how you use it.

  • A Single Word

    A Single Word

    12 years ago

    A single word from the Word can tell a lengthy tale. Through divine revelation our voyage has set sail. The words of God form a bridge that spans a man's whole life. And, if one seeks to know truth, it cuts as if a knife. But, the wounds it...

  • Self Sentence

    Self Sentence

    12 years ago

    Never give. Always take. And you are ready to break, Because you never learned just how to bend. You can run. You can't hide. From the demons deep inside. Because they always appear in the end. Not a prince. But, a thief. ...

  • Shadow Dances II

    Shadow Dances II

    11 years ago

    Her shadow dances like a whisper of reality, as she stands beneath the light. The story told in neon, hidden by cool evening mist. Cries of lost dreams and lost souls... echoes fade and disappear. Hungry city streets grip at the...

  • Night (I, II, III)

    Night (I, II, III)

    12 years ago

    Distant eyes of fire, blinking through the void. Hinting, haunting, teasing... laughing while I stare. Eternal guides of night-time skies. But, I laugh last... As they fade to the light of a new day. Hear the darkened silence, ...

  • That God Did Not Provide

    That God Did Not Provide

    12 years ago

    There's not a place that I could go, That God would not be there. No mountain top, or valley low, That God would not be there. There's not a time nor moments past, That God will not be there. Month or day, even year, That God...

  • Our God is God of Both

    Our God is God of Both

    12 years ago

    The oceans roll in cycled tides While clouds dance on the wind. A rain drop falls. A snow flake glides. A river runs it's course. The dessert sands shift slowly. A sun rise in the east. A gentle breeze. A gale force wind. A raging...

  • Tele-Revision


    11 years ago

    How easily can we we be swayed by the little box (or flat screen) of the television. Politics via sound bites and advertisements that make us "need" something new.

  • Hidden Victims

    Hidden Victims

    12 years ago

    A brief, poetic look at the pain a child can feel in a home where fighting is a daily event battled between parents.

  • Life Is What You Make

    Life Is What You Make

    12 years ago

    You face the mirror as you wake. A stranger returns your stare. The tears. The rain. One and the same. You have seen your share. A new day begins; facing fears. To control your only fate. The ice. The flame. You know the game. ...

  • The Afraid Can't Reach

    The Afraid Can't Reach

    12 years ago

    A poem extoling the virtue of reaching for the sky and not being held back by real or perceived obstacles. Dream big and go for them.

  • There must be another way, right?

    There must be another way, right?

    11 years ago

    A modern parable about the reality of truth and the fallacy of "all roads lead to..." What we believe does not change what is, but what is should change what we believe.

  • Can Murder be Wrong if there is no God?

    Can Murder be Wrong if there is no God?

    12 years ago

    Is murder simply a legal issue or is it deeper than that? If it does not run deeper than man's law, then it can be changed with a "majority rules" mentality. If there is no God, the ultimate Law Giver, then there can be no laws that supercede man's and therefore murder can not be wrong...only...

  • The Journey Loses Something When We Walk Alone

    The Journey Loses Something When We Walk Alone

    12 years ago

    A short, but powerful look at the beauty of life that comes from sharing it with someone who is your partner, equal, friend and lover...the journey would be the same without them, but not the memories.

  • If I Knew

    If I Knew

    12 years ago

    A short but heartfelt look at the lose of a loved one...whether a spouse, a child, a parent or friend...When life is cut short we all say "if I knew" i'd have...

  • Shadow Dances

    Shadow Dances

    12 years ago

    Her shadow dances like a whisper of reality, as she stands beneath the light. cold hands like steel tearing down the walls so none can perceive the hopes and dreams. lost soul so afraid, Inside terror burns now alone, cries...

  • I pray to change

    I pray to change

    12 years ago

    I pray to change as I must. And, not so much my circumstance. It's not that I should change the song, as much as change the dance. I pray to change as I must. And, not so much the world around. It's not that I should seek the lost, ...

  • Keep on Standing

    Keep on Standing

    12 years ago

    A poem about hope and following your dreams

  • As in Tribute to God's creation...

    As in Tribute to God's creation...

    11 years ago

    This poem was inspired while on a hiking trip through the Delaware Water Gap portion of the Appalachian Trail in the late 1980's. It was an awe inspiring couple of days. God's creation was clearly seem in the beauty of the mountains and the smallest flower.

  • All That Awaits

    All That Awaits

    12 years ago

    Are we to be ships Always safe from the storm Hidden in the tranquility of the harbor No Challenge No Danger No Excitement Or will we overcome that fear set sail explore And find all that awaits. Are we to be stars That never...

  • The Day My Life Began

    The Day My Life Began

    12 years ago

    Bricks and bars did not my prison make. Couldn't see the chains, but make no mistake, I was a prisoner caught by my sin. Fighting a battle I could never win. Then I saw You like the Son of Man, Nail pierced scars in Your feet and hands. ...

  • The Fig Tree, Israel and the Believer

    The Fig Tree, Israel and the Believer

    11 years ago

    What does the Bible say about the believer by way of the fig tree? The nation of Israel? Explore what God's word says about what believers should experience as they walk with Jesus and how to grow rather than wither. We see the link between the Old Testament and the New and why it matters.

  • A Journey of Faith : Two by Fours or Stepping Stones

    A Journey of Faith : Two by Fours or Stepping Stones

    11 years ago

    A journey of faith for an agnostic jew who, through a strange alignment of politically conservative views, a deep and thoughtful search for truth, praying friends and strangers, a Jewish talk-show host and a number of stepping stones and 2x4s, came to know Christ.

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    Minimum Wages Increase Prices

    2 years ago

    This article establishes the direct and indirect price increases associated with artificially imposed minimum wages. The economic ramifications lead to higher prices for goods and services. The government does a disservice to the free market as well as the end consumer.

  • St. Baldrick's Foundation : Making A Real Difference

    St. Baldrick's Foundation : Making A Real Difference

    11 years ago

    Explore the great work and fundraising of the St. Baldrick's foundation as it seeks to end the monster known as Childhood Cancer. This organization raises funds to support research and to help families cope with the issues of having a child diagnosed with cancer. Hospitals and researchers are...

  • Childhood Cancer Research Funding...Stop the Monster

    Childhood Cancer Research Funding...Stop the Monster

    10 years ago

    The disparity of funding for childhood cancer research versus other diseases and other forms of cancer is shocking and disheartening. It is hoped that, through increased awareness, more people will be active advocates and fundraisers for this tragically off balanced funding issue.

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    Man-Made Global Warming

    12 years ago

    Whether discussing Global Warming, Cooling or CLimate Change, we need to address the facts and not merely rely on fear as a reason to act. While the Earth does go through warming and cooling periods, and has for centuries, we need to determine if man is responsible. We must look at the facts and...

  • Retail Sales : The Art of Educating to a Buy.

    Retail Sales : The Art of Educating to a Buy.

    11 years ago

    This article will help you and your staff to effectively and easily increase your retail sales. Retail profits will increase dramatically the longer you follow these specific steps and as they become part of your normal day's business.

  • Building Your Clientbase with Referral Cards

    Building Your Clientbase with Referral Cards

    12 years ago

    A very cost effective business building toll with a high ROI (return on investment)and an easy to uses and track program. This system has been used by many of my clients and they have had a marked and trackable increase in their client base and therefor their profits.


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